Veronika Simmeing, exhibition view 2021 Landtag Düsseldorf
Veronika Simmeing, exhibition view 2021 Landtag Düsseldorf

“I wanted to be creative without having any limits.”


Veronika Simmering




Veronika Simmering, Photo Nils Feuster Düsseldorf, 2021
Veronika Simmering, Photo Nils Feuster Düsseldorf, 2021

Where are you from?

Bremen, Germany

Your style in 3 words?

bodily, sensual, digital

Your weakness? Your strength?

being quiet

What makes you different?

Probably the mixture of my expertise and interests. I love creating art and aesthetic experiences, which can barely be described by logic, and I also love the technical side of things, which is purely based on logic.

When did you decide to become an artist?

My motivation to study art developed quite early. I wanted to be creative without having any limits. After I finished my degree, I needed to decide and choose again. This time more consciously.

Do you choose your art form, or does the form choose you?

Vise versa. Sometimes I have a concept in mind and find the suitable form to express it; sometimes, I try out new tools, and a new idea is born with it.

What do you find most fascinating about your work?

The moment of getting struck by an idea of composition and then getting into a flow state and forgetting everything around me. It’s exhausting but also very rewarding.

A few words about your favorite creation?

I like the ‘#quarterlifecrisis’ because the work is deeply personal and captures the feeling I had after finishing my studies, not knowing what to do next.

What surprised you most about your first art shows?

How different the reactions to my works can be. I love hearing people’s various associations and feelings when they see my creations.

Someone else’s work that inspired or inspires you…

The films by Ulrich Seidl and the video works by Mika Rottenberg.

Veronika Simmering, vacation 2021print on acrylic glass 150 x 150cm
Veronika Simmering, vacation 2021print on acrylic glass 150 x 150cm

Who would you like to work with someday and why?

Since I like to work with pop culture and social media elements, collaborating with teens would be interesting.

A new project coming up or an idea you want to work on?

I want to experiment more with interactive works or short animation clips.

Finish the sentence “More important than my career is… “

Spreading health and happiness.

Veronika Simmering, #lashgoals 2022 digital image
Veronika Simmering, #lashgoals 2022 digital image

2022: Where are we going?

Hopefully, uneventful autumn and winter.

Do you think about time as an artist?

As a digital artist, I work with many different innovative tools. So I’m curious about what tools time will bring and how we can use or misuse them.

When the going gets tough…

I take a hot bath.

Put on your future vision glasses: What direction is our generation moving in, what will our World look like in 50 years?

If my glasses are rose-colored, I see happy, empathic, and free people receiving unconditional basic income and using technology in a manner that helps them live the life they want.

Veronika Simmering, precious 2021 3D rendering
Veronika Simmering, precious 2021 3D rendering

What would you do if you could change the World?

Well, I can already change the World inside my scope. I’m trying to be the best person I can be.

What does freedom mean when it comes to art?

Being confident in your own judgments as an artist.

If the universe is everything and it’s expanding, what is it expanding into?

If the universe is everything, everything is becoming more.

Tell us about your future plans…

Finish my master’s in media informatics, practice and master the tools I work with and find more time to play and think.

Your city’s favorite spots?

I like the atmosphere of the city center and the old town at night. There is a violin player in front of the city hall almost every night.

Last but not least: what is your favorite Song?

Schiller – Ruhe

One last statement please: “Wood or stone, gold or art? “

Not sure about Wood or stone, but I would choose gold since you can exchange it for anything, including art.

Your #…?
