“I am most intensely inspired by works in the form of texts…”
Jasmin Hantl
Sculpture, drawing
Where are you from?
Hamburg, Germany
Your style in 3 words?
Cosmos of physicalities
Your weakness? Your strength?
One of my weaknesses is complicating and overthinking ideas of form – my strength is clearly in the verbalization of what is seen and perceived.
What makes you different?
I am older than I look
When did you decide to become an artist?
I seem to remember that when I was 15 years old, I answered my grandmother’s question about what I wanted to be with full conviction: an artist.
Do you choose your art form, or does the form choose you?
This happens in mutual exchange.
What do you find most fascinating about the creative process?
First, to see how an idea of form becomes reality. In particular, to experience how material co-determines the sculptural process. And to allow that the resulting form can remain so, because it works as it is.
A few words about your favorite creation?
The name is Turritopsis dhornii overkill: I like how the character exists for itself. It’s strange to me and familiar at the same time.
What surprised you most about your first art shows?
To see if one’s own work can stand among others that are not one’s own, and how that might put the work in a new light in the context of others.
Someone else’s work that inspired or inspires you…
I am most intensely inspired by works in the form of texts. This can be a newspaper article as well as a poem by Nico Bleutge. But also scientific research results and literary works that I intuitively pull from the library shelf.
Who would you like to work with someday and why?
Sam Lavigne – for his interest in sleep, Francis Alys – for his gentle painterly view of the world, and FORT – for clearly constructed installations and high demand for verisimilitude. And with many people who arouse my interest through their personalities.
Finish the sentence „More important than my career is…“
My family and personal relationships.
2023: Where are we going?
The Chinese Year of the Rabbit will be fruitful.
Do you think about time as an artist?
No, I do not believe in time.
When the going gets tough…
… it gets interesting and really begins.
A new project coming up or an idea you want to work on?
I am currently working on an object that breathes, inflates, and collapses again, similar to a baking cake in a hot oven. I’m experimenting with electronic stuff, a fan, and all kinds of textiles, both familiar and foreign materials.
Put on your future vision glasses: What direction is our generation moving in, what will our world look like in 50 years?
I experience our generation as eternal seekers: of identity, self-realization, and the choice of the right social environment. Do I want to start a family or live a different model? The handling of resources, the topic of sustainability and climate protection are high on the agenda. Our approach to design and the proliferation of AI will abstract friction into the digital and shift social skills. It will be harder to be a daydreamer.
If the universe is everything and it’s expanding, what is it expanding into?
I posed this question to ChatGPT: The universe is expanding into the great unknown, stretching the structure of space and time beyond what we can comprehend. It is a journey without a destination, a never-ending expansion of possibilities and wonders.
Tell us about your future plans…
A daily challenge is to combine artistic work with the bread job. In the process, I want to find a comfortable home – out of Hamburg, out of Germany, and I’m currently thinking about just moving directly to Brussels. However, I would like to pursue my own projects with a work and project stipend outside of Europe.
Your city’s favorite spots?
Orbit Altona, Stresemannstraße 144, 22769 HH, Künstlerhaus Sootbörn, Sootbörn 22, 22453 HH, Kimchi Heußweg 10, 20257 HH
What would you do if you could change the World?
The most important thing for me is to do something that has a positive impact on the world and on people. This includes education for all and the fight against poverty and hunger. I would like to teach people empathy and respect for life, which then, in the best case, ensures peaceful interaction.
What does freedom mean when it comes to art?
For me as an artist, making art or the freedom in art is pure luxury and a privilege. I can pursue my own ideas, which are then made available to the public. This means all visitors have the possibility to get impulses and to be able to move mentally and physically outside of norms, rules, and entrenched structures.
A book that everyone should read…
„Frausein“ by Mely Kiyak
Last but not least: what is your favorite Song?
„Dirty cartoons“ by Menomena
One last statement please: „Wood or stone, gold or art?“
Plants and wax
Your #…?