Benedikt Leonhardt, Exhibiton view Pale Blue Dot, ASPN. Photo Stefan Fischer
Benedikt Leonhardt, Exhibiton view Pale Blue Dot, ASPN. Photo Stefan Fischer

“Press the reset button.”


Benedikt Leonhardt




Benedikt Leonhardt, Photo Thomas Krüger,Leipzig, 2022
Benedikt Leonhardt, Photo Thomas Krüger,Leipzig, 2022

Where are you from?


Your style in 3 words?

Material, (Image-immanent) Dialogue

Your weakness? Your strength?

I am my own weakness/strength.

Benedikt Leonhardt, Untitled (BO-CR-ACH-BV), Acrylic on canvas, 200 x 158 cm, 2021. Photo Carsten Humme
Benedikt Leonhardt, Untitled (BO-CR-ACH-BV), Acrylic on canvas, 200 x 158 cm, 2021. Photo Carsten Humme

What makes you different?

the differences

When did you decide to become an artist?

On day 3284 on earth

What do you find most fascinating about the creative process/your work?

When dialogue occurs between me and the painting.

A few words about your favourite creation?

Best invention ever.

Benedikt Leonhardt, Pale Blue Dot, Exhibition view, ASPN Galerie, 2022, Photo Stefan Fischer
Benedikt Leonhardt, Pale Blue Dot, Exhibition view, ASPN Galerie, 2022, Photo Stefan Fischer

Someone else’s work that inspired or inspires you…

Robert Ryman Hans Hartung

Who would you like to work with someday and why?

With a Japanese calligrapher.
I imagine it to be very meditative.

A new project coming up or an idea you want to work on?

Something is taking shape, but not yet ready to announce.

Finish the sentence „More important than my career is…“

My family and friends.

2022: Where are we going?

Go from one to the next.

When the going gets tough…

Face it, (or run).

Benedikt Leonhardt, Untitled (TW:ZW-KB:UB-MY), Acrylic on canvas, 48,8 x 38,8 cm, 2022. Photo Carsten Humme
Benedikt Leonhardt, Untitled (TW:ZW-G-QM:QV-R), Acrylic on canvas, 52,8 x 42,8 cm, 2022. Photo Carsten Humme

Benedikt Leonhardt, Serie Untitled, Acrylic on canvas, 48,8 x 38,8 cm, 2022. Photo Carsten Humme

Put on your future vision glasses: What direction is our generation moving in, and what will our world look like in 50 years?

At the moment they are fogged up.

What would you do if you could change the World?

Press the reset button.

If the universe is everything and it’s expanding, what is it expanding into?

Into another universe.

Tell us about your future plans…

Enjoy the now to the full.

Benedikt Leonhardt, Pale Blue Dot, Exhibition view, ASPN Galerie, 2022, Photo Stefan Fischer
Benedikt Leonhardt, Pale Blue Dot, Exhibition view, ASPN Galerie, 2022, Photo Stefan Fischer

Your city’s favourite spots?

Floating weightlessly in the middle of the Kulkwitzer lake, 1 metre below the water surface.

Last but not least: what is your favourite Song?

Iberia – Everyday

One last statement please: „Wood or stone, gold or art?“

All of it.

Your #…?


Benedikt Leonhardt, Untitled (G-PGB-PBC-I-QM-TW:ZW-2), Acrylic, vinyl paint, self-adhesive tape on canvas, 240 x 167 cm, 2022. Photo Falk Messerschmidt
Benedikt Leonhardt, Untitled (G-PGB-PBC-I-QM-TW:ZW-2), Acrylic, vinyl paint, self-adhesive tape on canvas, 240 x 167 cm, 2022. Photo Falk Messerschmidt